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復活節微型彩蛋尋寶!Miniature Easter eggs hunt!

復活節微型彩蛋尋寶!Miniature Easter eggs hunt!
復活節微型彩蛋尋寶!Miniature Easter eggs hunt!


2022年4月07日 下午12:00

尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號 K11 8樓 Nature Discovery Park, 8/F, K11 MUSEA, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong


復活節微型彩蛋尋寶!Miniature Easter eggs hunt!






It’s no coincidence if eggs are being represented during this time of year as it corresponds also to a time during which many animals will lay eggs. Many people are familiar with eggs laid by birds. But do you know that eggs are also produced by many other organisms? Indeed, well hidden within nature, there are tiny eggs of all kinds of shapes and colors waiting for the ideal moment to hatch and give freedom to miniature insects or even other invertebrates.


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