頸喙亞目 Auchenorrhyncha (Suborder of Hemiptera)
Auchenorrhyncha 來自希臘文 auchen,意思是頸部;rhyncos,意思是鼻子或鼻孔。這指的是口器的位置,從頭部後方靠近頸部的位置長出。Auchenorrhyncha comes form the Greek words auchen, which means neck, and rhyncos, which means nose or snout. This refers to the position of the mouthparts, which arises from the back of the head near the neck region.
種的俗名 Common names of members
Cicadas, spittlebugs, leafhoppers, treehoppers, and planthoppers
分佈 Distribution
Every continent except Antarctica
形態描述 Morphology
Mouthparts arise from the back of the head
Short, bristle-like antenna
Adult claws have three subsegments
Many have excellent jumping abilities
生態與棲息地 Habitat & Ecology
Tropics, terrestrial
食性 Diet
Plant sap
小知識 Fun Fact
Auchenorrhyncha 的異常之處在於雌雄會利用腹部側面一個稱為「tymbal」的器官跟同類進行溝通,其獨特結構所產生的特定種類聲波訊號,大多以人耳聽不到的震動形式透過植物傳送。另一方面,蟬會透過空氣來溝通而雄蟬則擁有所有昆蟲當中最響亮的「歌聲」。
Auchenorrhyncha are unusual in that the sexes communicate with each other using species-specific acoustic signals produced by a unique structure on the side of the abdomen called the ‘tymbal’ organ. Most of these calls take the form of vibrations that are inaudible to the human ear and are sent through the plant.
On the other hand, cicadas communicate through the air, males producing some of the loudest ‘songs’ of all insects.
已知的物種 Total species known
博物館收藏的物種 Species in the collection
在香港已知的物種 Species in Hong Kong
Siu, C., & Lau, K. (n.d.). CHECKLIST OF INSECTS OF HONG KONG. https://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/quarantine/qua_plants/files/Checklist.pdf
ITIS - Report: Auchenorrhyncha. (2024). Itis.gov. https://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=109167#null
Insect Identification. (2024). Knowyourinsects.org. https://www.knowyourinsects.org/Homoptera.html#:~:text=Etymology%3A&text=Auchenorrhyncha%20comes%20form%20the%20Greek,head%20near%20the%20neck%20region.
TY - CHAP AU - Dietrich, Christopher PY - 2009/12/31 SP - 56 EP - 64 SN - 9780123741448 T1 - Auchenorrhyncha VL - DO - 10.1016/B978-0-12-374144-8.00015-1 ER -
Poirier, L. (2014). Hemiptera – Auchenorrhyncha. Bccampus.ca; Pressbooks. https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/unbcbiol322/chapter/auchenorrhyncha/#:~:text=Both%20the%20Auchenorrhyncha%20and%20the,to%20see%20in%20some%20specimens.
SOL KRAMER (1950). The Morphology and Phylogeny of AUCHENORHYNCHOUS H0M0PTERA (Insecta) https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/4834572.pdf
Suborder Auchenorrhyncha: Metcalf Collection: NC State University Libraries. (n.d.). Www.lib.ncsu.edu. https://www.lib.ncsu.edu/specialcollections/digital/metcalf/auchenorrhyncha.html
Dietrich, C. H. (2009). Auchenorrhyncha. Elsevier EBooks, 56–64. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-374144-8.00015-1