豪豬科 Hystricidae (Sub-family of Rodentia)
Hystricidae,源自拉丁文 hystrix (「豪豬」),意指這些動物是豪豬.
Hystricidae, from Latin hystrix (“porcupine”), in reference to the fact that these animals are porcupines.
種的俗名 Common names of members
Old World porcupines.
分佈 Distribution
South of Europe, Africa and Southern and Southeast Asia.
體型 Size
在不同品種中,牠們的體型從 27.9 到 48 公分長、1.5 到 2.3 公斤重,到 60 到 83 公分長、13 到 27 公斤重不等.
Across species, they range in size from 27.9 to 48 cm in length and 1.5 to 2.3 kg in weight to 60 to 83 cm in length and 13 to 27 kg in weight.
形態描述 Morphology
They are large, robust creatures with big, blunt heads, fleshy, movable snouts, and thick, cylindrical or flattened spine coats that cover their entire body and do not mix with regular hairs.
生態與棲息地 Habitat & Ecology
Savannas, mountains, deserts, and forests.
食性 Diet
Usually herbivorous, they consume fruit, roots, and bulbs. Certain species also chew on dehydrated bones, possibly to obtain calcium.
繁殖 Reproduction
根據品種的不同,在 90 到 11 天的妊娠期後,會生下一個、兩個或偶爾三個後代.通常,雌性每年只會在洞穴系統的地下草室中產下一胎.幼蟲出生時幾乎已完全成形,出生後幾小時,牠們最初柔軟的刺就會變硬.牠們需要兩週的時間才開始進食固體食物,但需要 13 到 19 週的時間才會完全斷奶.幼崽與父母及來自不同窩的兄弟姊妹住在族群中,直到兩歲性成熟為止.雄性會特別協助保護族群不受外人傷害,但雌雄都對陌生者有敵意.
Depending on the species, one, two, or occasionally three offspring are born following a gestation period ranging from ninety to eleven days. Usually, females give birth just once a year in a burrow system's grass-lined underground chamber. The young are nearly fully formed when they are born, and their initially soft spines harden a few hours after birth. It takes them two weeks to start taking solid food, but it takes them 13 to 19 weeks to be completely weaned. The young live in the colony with their parents and siblings from different litters until they are sexually mature, which happens at the age of two. Men especially assist in protecting the colony from outsiders, however both sexes are hostile to strangers.
Total species known
Species in the collection
Species in Hong Kong
Macdonald, D. W. (2006). The Encyclopedia of mammals. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acref/9780199206087.001.0001.
Savage, R. J. G., Long, M. R. (1986). Mammal Evolution: an illustrated guide. Facts on File.
Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. Johns Hopkins University Press.