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袋狸目 Peramelemorphia

袋狸目 Peramelemorphia

袋狸目Peramelemorphia, 源自希臘語 πήρα (pḗra,"袋,小袋")、拉丁語 mēlēs("獾")和希臘語 μορφή (morphē,"形式、形狀、外觀"),意思是 "像獾一樣有袋",指的是這些動物雖然是有袋類動物,但總體上具有獾(食肉目)的外貌特徵.

Peramelemorphia, from the Greek πήρα (pḗra, “bag, pouch”), Latin mēlēs (“badger”) and Greek μορφή (morphē form, shape, appearance), means pouched badger-like, in reference to the fact that these animals, in general, have a physiognomy reminiscent of badgers (Carnivora order) even though they are marsupials.

種的俗名 Common names of members


Bandicoots and bilbies.

分布 Distribution 


Australia, New Guinea, Tasmania and the surrounding islands.

體型 Size

牠們的體型從 140 克到 4 公斤不等,但大多數種類都在 1 公斤左右.

Their size varies from about 140 grams up to 4 kilograms, but most species are about one kilogram.

形態描述 Morphology



They have a plump, arch-backed body with a long, delicately tapering snout, very large upright ears, relatively long, thin legs, and a thin tail. Most have brownish-red or yellowish-brown fur with stripes on their body.

One of the factors that helps in the characterization of peramelemorphians is their polyprotodont condition (to have several pairs of lower front teeth); in the case of the Peramelemorphia, three pairs. Also, their second and third toes are fused together, a condition called syndactyly.

生態及棲息地 Ecology & Habitat


More mesic-open environments (sclerophyll, xeric shrublands, grasslands) with some presence in arid areas and closed environments (moist or temperate broadleaf forests).

食性 Diet


They are omnivorous, with soil-dwelling invertebrates (worms, bugs) forming the major part of their diet. They also eat seeds, fruits, and fungi.

繁殖 Reproduction 

牠們的繁殖過程較快(一只雌鳥每年可產下 16 只幼鳥).牠們的胎盤很獨特,沒有絨毛,導致母體與胎兒之間的直接接觸減少,因此孕期相對較短,只有 12-16 天.幼鳥可能會繼續與母親在同一個巢中生活一段時間.

They have an accelerated breeding process (one female can give birth to 16 young per year). They have a unique placenta that lacks villi, resulting in reduction in direct contact between mother and fetus thus relatively shorter gestation, lasting from 12-16 days. Juveniles may continue to live with their mother in the same nest for some time.


Total species known



Species in the collection



Species in Hong Kong


References 參考文獻

- Aplin, K. P., Helgen, K. M., Lunde, D. P. (2010). A Review of Peroryctes broadbenti, the Giant Bandicoot of Papua New Guinea. American Museum Novitates, 2010(3696), 1-41.

- Mitchell, K. J., Pratt, R. C., Watson, L. N., Gibb, G. C., Llamas, B., Kasper, M., Edson, J., Hopwood, B., Male, D., Armstrong, K. N., Meyer, M., Hofreiter, M., Austin, J., Donnellan, S. C., Lee, M. S. Y., Phillips, M. J., Cooper, A. (2014). Molecular Phylogeny, Biogeography, and Habitat Preference Evolution of Marsupials. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 31(9), 2322–2330.

- Dickman, C. R. (2018). Biodiversity in Australia: An Overview. In T. Pullaiah (Ed.), Global Biodiversity - Volume 4: Selected Countries in the Americas and Australia. Apple Academic Press.

- McClelland K. L., Hume, I. D., Soran, N. (1999). Responses of the digestive tract of the omnivorous northern brown bandicoot, Isoodon macrourus (Marsupialia: Peramelidae), to plant- and insect-containing diets. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 169(6):411-8.

-  Wagner, G. P. (2018). Comparative Placentation-Mammals. In M. K. Skinner (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Reproduction (Second Edition) - Volume 2 (pp. 455-461). Academic Press.







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