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菊头蝠科 Rhinolophidae (Sub-family of Chiroptera)

菊头蝠科 Rhinolophidae (Sub-family of Chiroptera)

菊头蝠科(Rhinolophidae),源自希腊文 ῥινός(rhinós,"鼻子")和0希腊文 λόφος(lóphos,"嵴"),意为 "有嵴的鼻子",指的是该科成员的鼻子上有一个嵴.

Rhinolophidae, from Greek ῥινός (rhinós, “nose”) and0 Greek‎ λόφος (lóphos, “crest”), means crested nose”, in reference to the fact that the members of this family have a crest on their snout.

種的俗名 Common names of members


Horseshoe bats.

分佈 Distribution 


They have a mostly Paleotropical distribution, though some species are in the southern Palearctic realm, being found in the Old World, including Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.

體型 Size

牠们的头部和身体长度为 35-110 毫米,前臂长度为 30-75 毫米.

They have a head and body length ranging 35–110 mm and have forearm lengths of 30–75 mm.

形態描述 Morphology


Fur color is highly variable among species, ranging from black to reddish brown to bright orange-red. The underparts are paler than the back fur. The majority of species have long, soft fur.

生態與棲息地 Ecology & Habitat


Any kind of  forested or unforested environment. They roost in a variety of places, including buildings, caves, tree hollows, and foliage.

食性 Diet


They are insectivorous, though consume other arthropods such as spiders, and employ two main foraging strategies. The first strategy is flying slow and low over the ground, hunting among trees and bushes. Some species who use this strategy are able to hover over prey and glean them from the substrate. The other strategy is known as perch feeding: individuals roost on feeding perches and wait for prey to fly past, then fly out to capture it.

繁殖 Reproduction 

大多数蝙蝠物种都是一雄多雌,即一只雄性蝙蝠与多只雌性蝙蝠交配,但也有多雄多雌,即多只雄性蝙蝠与多只雌性蝙蝠交配.雌性负责大部分的育儿工作.雄性负责喂养和保护幼崽.刚出生的蝙蝠不会飞,所以牠们会呆在窝里或爬到母亲身上.通常 2-4 周后牠们就能飞了.

Most bat species are polygynous, where one male mates with multiple females, but there are polygynandry systems too, where multiple males mate with multiple females. Females are responsible for most of the parenting care. Males responsible for feeding and protecting young. Newborn bats cannot fly so they stay in the dwell or climb on their mothers. Usually they can fly after 2-4 weeks.


Total species known



Species in the collection



Species in Hong Kong



Fenton, M. B., Simmons, N. B. (2015). Bats - A World of Science and Mystery. The University of Chicago Press.

Vaughan, T.A., Ryan, J. M., Czaplewski, N. J. (2000). Mammalogy. Saunders College Publishing.

Macdonald, D. W. (2006). The Encyclopedia of mammals. Oxford University Press.

Nowak, R. M. (1994). Walker's Bats of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Csorba, G., Thomas, N., Ujhelyi, P. (2003). Horseshoe Bats of the World: (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae). Alana Books.







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